Saturday, February 22, 2014

How I Wish This is a Love Life Problem

I haven't been really well since Monday. I really am not in my proper elements. It's affecting my performance, esp my decision making. I wish this was a love life problem because that would make it easier for me to handle. The problem is it's not.

One major thing happened. It was my fault. I became too complacent and placed too much confidence on the wrong people and the wrong things. And everything blew right in front of me. I haven't forgiven myself for that mistake. And now I am really falling apart.

It's easy to say to just forgive myself and move on. In fact, that's what I should do. Again, if this was love, I already have done it. But why can't I? Why can't I just forget about it? Because I am having a hard time convincing myself not to doubt myself.

I really need help. I need help.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Bitchy Valentine's Day

Though I haven't really looked  forward to Valentine's, I wanted it to be at least be a good day. But it turned out to be a bitch. It was my fault. As a lead, I failed to consider the warnings given to me. Actually I failed to consider a lot of things. Perhaps it's because I didn't want to accept the project but had no choice. It's a super heavy weight added on my shoulders. And it came at a time when I am not in my proper elements. I was sick. Well, I still am. I am demotivated. I am out of focus. I am tired.

I don't want to be in this state. I don't want to be on the verge of giving up.

A friend told be to go back to the very reason why I am holding on. But I am afraid that I cannot find that reason anymore. Though I know I eventually have to. I need to get back on track. Hopefully, I'll be allowed to do that in the next few days.

Oh! I'd like to highlight though that VDay did end up well. Thanks to my dates! Perhaps I should write about that. Perhaps it can help me be on track again.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

So Sick

I'd say that the worse thing about being sick is having no one to take care of you and make sure you take your meds on time. Hahahahah 

I was so sick this past week and even up to now. But at least I have that firm resolve to get out of bed and move.

I say it's worse because yeah I maybe taking my meds but yeah I don't take those on time so it's basically the same as not taking them at all. I'm not bitter that I am alone but I wish I had some company. I'm taking meds but I don't counter it with the right food. And I am so lazy to go out and buy. Head's going crazy.

I'm tired that I am sick. I need to be well. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Self-Imposed House Arrest

I was on self-imposed house arrest for 3 days. It's my way of saving. Dieting was just my excuse. Imagine I survived 5 meals without rice. My food intake was just shake made out of oatmeal and milk and the detox juice I made. I didn't feel the hunger but i felt weak. I just slept mostly because I had no one to talk to. I tried working but my mind won't cooperate. I still haven't settled my schedule. The aftermath of the house arrest isn't good. I am officially sick  and I cannot be absent from work. I have a meeting tomorrow and I cannot completely provide an update because the staff assigned was on leave and is still on leave and hasn't provided much of an update prior the leave. I understand her circumstance though. I just am having a hard time managing the project right now given the demands of the other projects. Again, I cannot seem to plot my schedule properly. I cannot be at two places at one time.

I'm trying really hard to squeeze everything in. I want to accommodate everyone. But honestly I am tired. Perhaps my self-imposed house arrest was my way to assess everything. I'm tired and I cannot delegate work because I have trust issues. I tried entrusting work to others and they failed. That's why I hardly delegate anymore. I just hope that I don't give up.