Saturday, September 20, 2014


My friend wouldn't tell me what's goind on with her because she finds it stupid. I had a hunch on what it was but i still prayed that my hunch would be wrong. But sad to say I was right after all. It just took me 2 bottles of t-ice to throw that question I didn't dare ask.
It has been an unspoken rule between us. We don't talk about the love of her life as it had been a source of misunderstanding lately.
I feel my friend's pain. And I don't like seeing her in her current state of brokenness. There was a point that I intentionally stayed away because I couldn't take the things she's doing. She's in love but she is so broken. It has been going on for so long that it isn't good anymore.
I can't do anything about it as it is her choice. She don't talk to me about it anymore because she's protecting the other party. And even if I don't do anything, I usually take the blame if that other party feels down. As if it was my doing.
I should understand. As I also have been through unrequited love. It is not an easy process. I am just thankful that I was strong enough to handle the pain without destroying myself. And I am thankful also that those people I love helped. They kept their distance long enough to allow that initial step to moving on. But didn't leave me as I have asked them to.
But for my friend's case, I refuse to understand. Though technically, all the burden and pain is carried by the one loving, the one who is loved should take action too esp if they are friends in the first place.
Anyway, no amount of justification or explanation would make my friend understand my point. We'll just go through the same cycle of hurting, drinking, crying. Our other friends even kid earlier that we'll still have the same session a few years from now, and my friend will still cry and talk about the love that just can't be.

I sincerely pray that she'll get over the love as soon as possible. She has a great future ahead of her. She's smart, talented, driven, and certainly has lots of potential. I don't want her to get too broken that it would be hard to put the pieces back together.

Hopefully, she'll see the light that will make her realize life's beauty despite not getting the love of that other person.

Oh well.

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