Wednesday, January 1, 2014

14 Things for 2014

It's a new year and as cliche as it may sound, it's a mark of a new beginning. But as one gets older, you'd realize that new year or not, every day is a chance for us to start anew. But then again the new year gives a different push.

As the first day of 2014 ends, I'd like to look back and move forward. Look back to the revelations of 2013 and make use of these as I move forward to 2014.

2013 is a year of revelation for me. A revelation of who I have become, what I am capable of, and where I'd like to be. It's a year that started and ended with a heartache. But I don't want to see it as something negative. It's part of life, a consequence of my choices. No regrets. For the in between, I'd like to think that the things that happened, made me discover who I am.

So for all the things that happened for the past year, I'll have these 14 guiding points for a better 2014.

1. Holding on to the people you love is not always the best expression of love. Sometimes, you need to let them go esp if they already let go of your hands.

2. Make peace with your past esp with the people who broke your heart. Sometimes, saying that you already moved on isn't enough. You have to actually be with the person to know that you actually have.

3. Promises are not meant to be broken. If you cannot keep yours, make sure that the other party understands. Don't make them second-guess.

4. There's no cure for the insecure.

5. Learn to trust.

6. Accept that no two people are alike.

7. There are others who would like to see you fail. Don't give them that satisfaction.

8. Keep away from negative things and people. They'll bring you down.

9. You'll have your shortcomings. Don't let these define you. And most esp. don't let these ruin your relationship with people.

10. Enjoy and Explore! There are just so much to see.

11. Don't depend your happiness on people.

12. You are not alone.

13. Keep your focus.

14. His love, His wisdom, His plans are far greater than yours.

Happy New Year!

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