Monday, January 7, 2013


Early today I prayed for a stress-free day and a stress-free week. Yet, even before I started my day, something happened that caused me to be late for work. Imagine, making the owner and other consultants wait. I just can imagine how frustrated they were. Anyway, since the day didn't start right so the rest of the day weren't. We had a very late lunch. Client server doesn't work. I needed to support other clients while listening to a discussion (talk about super multi-tasking). I was supposed to do something tonight but there's no electricity. My laptop can only last an hour. And to top it all, I got so worried for a friend and yet there's nothing I can do. I don't know what had happened and I don't know how he is. All I can do is wait for an update and pray that he is alright.

So talk about a stress free day.

But if you come to think of it, there will always be stressors. Perhaps the way we deal with them defines if we will be stress free or not. It is just like saying to look at the positive side of things rather than the negative. Had I not asked the taxi driver to go back, it would have been more humiliating to ask the client for fare. Had I not been late, they wouldn't have been able to have coffee first. Had we had our lunch earlier, some topics would have slipped our minds. Had the client server worked, I wouldn't have known how to solve the cause of the error and client would have not been able to finish a template. Had I not supported other clients. their operations could have been hampered. Had I not known immediately that my friend was in ER, I would have been more worried now and I could have not said my prayers.

So I can choose not to be stressed by today's event and redirect my focus on the things that needs to be done rather than my being stressed. Though it may be too late for that now since I was already stressed but maybe tomorrow, I can choose not to be. And see possible stressors not as stressors but a push for focus.

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